Wage & Hour Violations
You are entitled to pay for all time worked.
If you are a non-managerial employee paid by the hour or even a salaried employee and your employer is not paying you for all time worked, your employer may be violating New Jersey State and Federal wage and hour laws. Speak with an experienced New Jersey Employment Attorney to learn your rights.
What IS A Wage & Hour violation?
If your employer does not pay you for preparation before a shift or end-of-shift duties, you may have a wage and hour claim against your employer.
If your employer does not pay you overtime for hours worked over forty (40) hours a week, you are likely entitled to unpaid wages.
If your employer asks you to work through lunch and does not pay you for it or if your employer has you work through lunch and that time in conjunction with your regular work day causes you to work more than forty (40) hours per week, you may have wage and hour claims against your employer.
If your employer pays you for hours worked “off the books” speak with an experienced employment attorney to learn your rights.
New Jersey law treats all wage losses seriously.
If a worker proves a violation of the New Jersey Wage and Hour Law or the New Jersey Wage Payment Law, the violating employer may be ordered to pay liquidated damages of up to 200% of the unpaid wages plus attorneys’ fees, in addition to the unpaid wages.
We are here to fight for you
If you believe that you have been denied wages or overtime pay, we are here to help. Employers are not permitted to steal your wages. We are committed to assisting and advising you every step of the way. As experienced attorneys, let us put our skills and knowledge to work for you.